All your questions answered.

When to use, how much to take & answers to the most common questions.


Is HydraLyte more effective than rehydrating with water?

Are hydration tablets the same as hydration drinks?

How does HydraLyte Work?

What is HydraLyte?

Who is HydraLyte for?

Can children have HydraLyte?

Is HydraLyte gluten-free? Vegan? Non-GMO? Dairy-free? Caffeine-free?

Is HydraLyte more effective than rehydrating than water?

Why is there sugar in HydraLyte products?

Is HydraLyte Keto friendly?

How is this different than Pedialyte?

Is this better than Gatorade?

Is it carbonated?

Do you offer samples?

Can I drink this while pregnant and/or breastfeeding?


What is dehydration?

What are the signs and symptoms of dehydration?

What are some tips to rehydrate once you become dehydrated?

How long after exercising should I rehydrate?

What is the fastest way to rehydrate?

Wh does our head hurt when ou're deh drated?

Can dehydration cause diarrhea?

How To Use

Are there any warnings or contradications to be aware of?

Can HydraLyte be used beyond its expiry date?

Can I give my pet (e.g., cat or dog) HydraLyte?

Can I prepare a solution from HydraLyte Powders or Tablets and freeze it?

How long do I take HydraLyte for?

Is this safe for people with diabetes?

Does it mix well?


What are the main ingredients in HydraLyte?

How many calories does HydraLyte contain per 8 oz serving?

How much sugar per serving?

How many carbs per serving?

Is there caffeine in it?

Why does it contain Stevia?

Why is there sodium in it?


How much can I save with Subscriptions?

What frequency can I set my subscription to?